Author: Alven M. Bolotaolo
Graduate School Department, College of Education, Mindanao State University – Buug Campus, Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay, Philippines
This study was conducted to assess the level of administrative skills of secondary school principals of the seven public national high schools
of Diplahan District, Zamboanga Sibugay province, namely: Diplahan, Lindang, Gaulan, Balangao, Natan, Ditay and Guinoman National High
Schools. It was conducted during the school year 2018-2019. The study utilized a descriptive-quantitative design where two groups of
participants- seven principals; and, 108 regular teachers (through stratified random sampling) were covered. An adopted questionnaire on
Principal’s Administrative Skills was the major research instrument. Statistical tools included weighted mean and t-test. Findings revealed that
both principals themselves and teachers perceived the level of administrative skills of the school principals such as instructional leadership,
personnel management, and financial management skills on descriptive aspects as--” Highly Skilled”. Moreover, using t-tests, principals’
perceptions and teachers’ showed no significant difference in terms of instructional and personnel management skills; however, did show a
significant difference in financial management skills. The researcher concluded based on the findings in this inquiry that principals’
administrative skills in terms of instructional, personnel management and financial management skills (perceived by the principal themselves
and teachers on descriptive level), in accord--”Highly Skilled”. Statistically, perceptions of the principals and teachers on instructional and
personnel management skills showed no significant differences. However, on financial management skills, perceptions of the principals and
teachers bore a significant difference. As such, there is a need for the principals to look possibly at any weak points of their financial
management skills and consider avenues for improvement.
Keywords: Instructional Leadership Skills, Personnel Management Skills, Financial Management Skills